Spreadsheet for assessing the impact of policy packages addressing the building sector based on the national Cost/Energy curves




The tool is under continuous use and development. In order to make sure that you have access to the most recent updates and all relevant information, the tool package is available after request Prof. Lorenzo Pagliano and Marco Pietrobon, Politecnico di Milano via email and in copy to


This spreadsheet allows to assess the policy impact of renovation packages in existing buildings, by cost/energy curves and clouds. This tool focuses on building renovation and provides a comparative analysis expressed as a dot plot (cloud) graph of global cost versus (net) primary energy of various renovation options. This spreadsheet produces both graphical and numerical outputs.

The “Cost_Energy calculation tool" allows to evaluate the impact of various parameters on cost/energy cloud for a specific building in a specific climate context. The calculation starting year can be selected by the user in the range from 2011 to 2020, energy price scenarios can be varied over the  calculation period and different economic perspectives (financial, macroeconomic or defined by user) may be selected. For every set simulated it is possible to define an encouraged target of primary energy for comparison with the minimum limits for  energy performance requirements in force. The base refurbishment level (i.e. the base renovation of the building/HVAC technologies for esthetical/ obsolescence /safety reasons without specific energy efficiency aims)  is always marked separately in the graph.

For the correct use of this spreadsheet basic knowledge on building physics and on the functionality of HVAC systems are required.The energy needs for heating and cooling and the other data related to the operation of HVAC and lighting systems to calculate the delivered energy are not calculated directly within the tool. These data are inputs, which should be calculated by using external tools (e.g. dynamic simulation tools, building energy balance sheets etc.).

Default energy price scenarios are proposed over the period of calculation for the ten target countries considered within the cost-optimality calculations of the ENTRANZE project. Moreover, as initial support to use the tool, already compiled data set files are provided, with all input data of the reference buildings for the ten target climates considered within the cost-optimality calculation of the ENTRANZE Project. These data sets refer to typical buildings we defined in ENTRANZE; the user is free to make any changes to building geometry, typologies, model of use or adopted packages.

Further information can be found in the “USER GUIDE” sheet in the tool.