Scenario results, recommendations and model

Laying down the pathways to nearly Zero-Energy Buildings. A toolkit for policy makers


The report gathers all the project main findings. It features the toolkit now available to pave the way to favourable conditions and a framework for high-quality deep renovation measures. The report concludes with tailor-made recommendations for Member States as well as for the European Commission, on creating an effective target-oriented policy environment and a follow-up procedure for an effective policy set-up, among other aspects. Available in 8 languages.


Policies to enforce the transition to nZEB: Synthesis report and policy recommendations


This report provides an overview of the activities and the results of ENTRANZE. The project covers the whole EU-28. However, not all activities were carried out at the same level of detail for all member states (MS). The key target countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Romania, Spain) cover more than 60% of the EU building stock and all important climate regions.


Pathways for reducing the carbon emissions of the building stock until 2030


This report provides an overview of selected policy packages and their potential impact in several EU Member States. The scenarios cover the whole EU-28. However, not all activities were carried out at the same level of detail for all Member States (MS). In nine ENTRANZE target coun-tries, the selection of policy packages was carried out in close cooperation and discus-sion with policy makers in a continuous dialogue. Although the specific design of poli-cies differs by countries, there is a common logic: Scenario 1 refers to a moderate am-bitious scenario according to current national and EU legislation, Scenario 2 and 3 are more ambitious, innovative and stringent policy packages.


Scenario results for target countries and EU


This tool provides the results of alternative scenarios of development of the building stock and its energy demand in the EU-28 up to 2030. Different set of national policy packages on the refurbishment of the existing building stock have been developed in close cooperation with national stakeholders and policy makers. The scenarios are country specific and cannot be compared among countries. The scenarios have been simulated with the Invert/EE-Lab model taking into account the cost of the various renovation options and decision criteria of different groups of investors.


The scenario results for nine target countries and the EU-28 are available at following link:

Policy scenarios and recommendations on nZEB, deep renovation and RES-H/C diffusion


In these papers the methodology and the results of the policy scenario calculations and the policy recommendations within the ENTRANZE project are described for the cases of all 9 target countries. In a first step policy sets have been developed, basing on the findings of the previous work within the project, e.g. data collection about the building sector, analyses of barriers for investors, and cost optimality calculations for renovations. The policy sets have been discussed and revised within the policy group meetings.


Eventually the possible future impact of the policy sets has been analysed with the model Invert/EE-Lab, and recommendations have been derived from the results of the calculation. Again the recommendations have been discussed and revised in the policy group and with other experts and stakeholders.



Integrating user and investment behaviour in bottom-up Energy-economic simulation models

Literature review of integrating user and investment behaviour in bottom-up simulation models


In order to evaluate the impact of different policy instruments on the uptake of energy efficiency measures, an energy-economic model is applied to the building sector. The model needs to incorporate a detailed representation of the building stock including heating and cooling technologies, as well as an explicit representation of various policy instruments.

This paper provides an overview of energy-economic models for the building sector focusing on bottom-up approaches and methodologies to simulate stakeholder-specific investment decision-making.


Exogeneous framework conditions for Entranze scenarios

This internal report provides the main framework conditions for Invert/EE-Lab scenario development. It clearly defines the related values for internal purposes within the con-sortium and serves as a documentation for the policy group members and other inter-ested persons.


The report is available here: Report on exogenous scenario data (PDF)