This section contains input data on energy demand and building sectors in all project target countries. Moreover, heating and cooling energy demand and loads for building types are presented and information on cost of energy efficiency measures in buildings refurbishment is provided.

This section displays analyses of different policies, barriers and instrument options at Member State level, which aim to implement modernisation measures transitioning to nZEB standards. Information on public and social acceptance and the role of different stakeholders is available.

This section features the cost calculation tool for assessing the impact of policy packages addressing the building sector based on the national Cost/Energy curves. It further contains reports on the cost optimality approach, related calculations, including databases of energy efficient and renewable technologies.

Key ENTRANZE outcomes and outputs relate to different recommendations on measures and policies that may be applied in EU Member States with the aim to widen the nearly Zero Energy Buildings standard. A crucial part of the policy making process relates to policy scenarios and energy demand development as well as derived recommendations based on modelling results which are also featured in this section.