Policy scenarios and recommendations on nZEB reports

03. 11. 2014

Policy scenarios and recommendations on nZEB, deep renovation and RES-H/C diffusion


In these papers the methodology and the results of the policy scenario calculations and the policy recommendations within the ENTRANZE project are described for the cases of all 9 target countries. In a first step policy sets have been developed, basing on the findings of the previous work within the project, e.g. data collection about the building sector, analyses of barriers for investors, and cost optimality calculations for renovations. The policy sets have been discussed and revised within the policy group meetings.


Eventually the possible future impact of the policy sets has been analysed with the model Invert/EE-Lab, and recommendations have been derived from the results of the calculation. Again the recommendations have been discussed and revised in the policy group and with other experts and stakeholders.


Reports for the 9 target countries are available in section Publications/Results, recommendations